A Change Is Gonna Come…

Sometimes this feels right. This feels like it’s the only thing that people should do. That I should do. I was having this really interesting conversation with an old friend today about destiny and whether or not the decisions you make in life are worth anything or is everything laid out for you and everything is predetermined. The only conclusion I drew from this talk was that no matter the evidence, people will believe what they feel is right. And in the end that is what real values represent. I’m not saying that believing something proven wrong is OK, but if there is no way to demonstrate whether this certain theory is true or not then it may be better to go with your feelings. And everybody should just fucking accept that. Don’t push your ideas on others, just learn to love them as they are and respect their choices. Things aren’t always black and white. I believe there’s always a gray area of interpretation in these matters. And the world should just view this with arms wide open and respect everyone in the same way. We are all in the same pot if you think about it. We’re all humans and we’re all gonna pass away eventually. So why live in hate and ignorance of each other when we only have so much to lose. People are stubborn. Maybe to stubborn for their own good. Maybe they will catch on to the right way just a little bit to late. And apparently they think it’s worth risking the entire species of man just for the stubbornness of a few that planted these ideas in men’s heads.

Love is also stubborn sometimes. Whether it’s about love for ones God,ones life partner or ones child. Sometimes it’s hard to fucking let go of things. Because we implanted this absurd idea that we can’t go on without this significant other. And then we work for years and years just to let go. Just to feel free for that fragment of a moment before some other kind of love sucks us in and rapes our mind and soul. I’m not saying love is a bad thing, but when we forget about the pureness of this feeling and we turn it into obsession. No matter who you love, even if it seems impossible, you can move on. You can live long and be happy. Just don’t  let yourself get sucked in by loneliness and think that you can’t go on without someone at your side. And if you decide to spend a period of your life with someone then do it just for the simple reasons. That smile that only she can set on your face. You know the one I’m talking about. That really really pure smile that comes out of joy from the soul. Do it for that moment when you open your eyes and you see that person lying right next to you and you feel like you’re the fucking king of all existence. Just because you won her.

Whatever path in life you should take, the most important thing is to remember to feel. Remember to be pure and never let your mind talk you out of doing what you feel like. Go ahead, make your move, if this is what you found deep inside your being then just do it. The whole universe dares you to move. Let yourself get dragged through existence by this unimaginable experience. Enjoy pain, desire love, just feel alive. You can be better. Start forgiving yourself and the people around you for mistakes that never really hurt someone at all. Don’t do it for divinity or for the promise of a better future. Do it because it feels right. Do it because nothing compares to the satisfaction that fills you up and floats you high, like a hot air balloon. Sometimes I ask myself, was there anything that I could have said or done? But it’s important to remember that we live here and now. It’s important to know that the past is gone. That time is no more and it does not matter anymore. Just do it for this moment! Don’t leave the stage in the middle of a song.

But to get to the point of this here tale. I truly believe a great change is upon us. I think humanity is at a point where we need a missing link to progress as a species. I believe we lost this great thing quite some time ago and we have forgotten how to get it back. Well now it depends on what you compare this symbol to. First of all some think there will come a time of chaos and destruction because of the greed of people. Wealth is their symbol. It is the simple minded approach to the earthly issue. It’s common because money is real, it is palpable and, in the end, it’s what people apparently desire the most. The second type of people are those who believe the divine end is nearing. Irrelevant of religion, they all have this day of reckoning. This end of all things. These people believe in a higher power but they each chose to model it to their wishes and desires. They always find loopholes but they still believe their soul is saved. If you say you believe in this spiritual father then at least be honest and follow his word. If not you’re wasting everyone’s time. And by everyone I mean you as well. Lastly there are the group of people that believe that humanity is on the brink of a new era. They believe that only those pure of heart will ascend to the next state of existence. It is thought that this form we are in is just the beginning of the road for enlightenment. Those who see their body as just a container for our universal projection. We have always felt a connection to a greater power but we never really got around describing it. I think we are complicating things to much and we expect things to just work one way or the other. When all we should do is spread kindness and hope to all fellow humans. We should teach each other what love and compassion is. So that, even if this is the end and maybe we are just simple organisms in the infinity of the universe, we get to to do ourselves the favor of living for everyone and not only for yourself.

So here comes goodbye. I hope you have had a confusing and intriguing journey with some of my more or less real thoughts. The thing is that no matter how shitty things get, doing something good for someone else will always make you feel uplifted. So spread love and always give back to your fellow man.

Published in: on April 7, 2013 at 5:07 am  Comments (1)  
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Symphony of Life…


As I lay there on the bed, heartbroken and hopeless, I start losing consciousness… The reality I see fades into shades of yellow and spirals. Many many spirals. It’s as if I’m in a state of supreme imprisonment. Everything is so fucking shiny. As I drift through every possible dream and every possible outcome, it never occurred to me how this music was playing in the background. It’s like the opposite of my last connection with this surreal realm. Yet in form it is the same. A smooth smooth piano that moves in me the spirit of deep sorrow I had not experienced in so long. Drama was always there wasn’t it? Maybe just in my fucked up head.

“Why?” I say to the shadow playing that piano. “Why the hell won’t you leave me?

I’m shouting and pouting and not a single word was muttered from him. He whom I don’t know. The only wall in front of me. Yet you are not alone, Mr. Shadow. No no, there are so many more bricks in the wall than you. Everywhere I step, everywhere I speak, everywhere I goddamn breathe there’s one of you little charlatans. You pile up on top of each other and drive people back so they can’t actually build up the attitude to just ignore you. For your power is limited. Oh and how weak you all truly are in the face of innocence.

You who gang up on dreamers. You who just pop up in ones mind and throw it into chaos. But your deeds can do much more than you can think. They may lead to cowardliness, shame and regret so much that all life seems to leave ones body when thinking back on what you missed out. But, and there’s always a but, there are these rare cases that stand up to you. These fantastic beings that after years and years of feeling only fear and sadness rise and take control of their life. They just let go of it all. That’s the secret in the end isn’t it?

How can one truly move on when he knows there’s still a part inside that hopes and dreams for something that has long passed. Let it go, just let it all fucking go. Ahead there’s only more hardships, why drag such baggage with you? Embrace what comes, even if it may seem unfair. And if you happen to be in such a situation again just remember, it’s all about you in the end. Is it worth it? If you think that for a tiny second you will feel joy out of that, then go do it.

And if you think you can help someone in a single way, do it even if after you just won’t get what you expect. Because if you feel good about what you did then that’s compensation enough. And if you feel bad, think really hard why it is you’re feeling that way.

Now this may be a load of trash due to the fact that I will have no memory of this in the morning!

Published in: on March 13, 2013 at 2:14 am  Leave a Comment  
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Piano Epiphanies…

Am reprimat in ultima vreme prea multe. Cateodata ai nevoie de un moment perfect pentru a-ti da seama ce se intampla in jurul tau. De o piesa venita la momentul potrivit,cand chiar nu te astepti. Tocmai am gasit o piesa fantastica. Pur si simplu ma duce in cel mai bun loc al meu. Nu mai exist ca entiate pamanteasca. Visez,plutesc,traiesc. Pentru prima data in luni de zile,traiesc. Simt cum totul este acolo unde trebuie sa fie. Simt ca oricat de greu mi s-ar parea drumul,la final va merita. Pentru ca asa s-a intamplat mereu. Pentru ca eu cred asta si doar din acel motiv va fi asa.

As vrea sa stiu de unde imi suna cunoscuta piesa asta. Stiu ca am mai auzit-o intr-un serial,film,desen animat. A fost pe fundalul unui moment perfect al acelei emisiuni. Si stateam cu gura cascata si vroiam sa stiu numele piesei. Vroiam sa ma pierd in ea. Dar ce sa vezi,am uitat. Si parca in momentul acesta se completeaza o parte din mine,care nici nu stiam ca era goala.

A trecut ceva timp de cand am scris ultima oara insotit de tigari. Tot timpul imi induc un film de eleganta. Eu inca privesc tigariile cum erau privite in anii 50. Un obiect de eleganta,de stil. Un lucru asa banal care poate spune atat de multe. This is the best cig i have had in years.

Va place pianul? Mie mi se pare unul dintre cele mai expresive instrumente. Poate sa simuleze orice sentiment. Ba mai bine,el poate crea orice sentiment. Esti nerabdator,trist,suparat,extaziat,indragostit? Nici o problema, exista ceva si pentru tine.

Nu imi pasa in mod deosebit daca vede cineva asta, dar faptul ca am reusit sa scriu este o realizare mare pentru mine.

Si totusi, stie cineva piesa asta: 

Published in: on August 26, 2012 at 10:11 pm  Comments (1)  


A trecut deja ceva vreme,dar acum e momentul potrivit pentru o postare scurta. Iti multumesc pentru zambetul acordat la fiecare intalnire.Iti multumesc pentru surpriza placuta pe care mi-o faceai in fiecare zi. Iti multumesc pentru ca m-ai facut sa cresc sufleteste. Iti multumesc ca la tine ma gandeam la 6 dimineata dupa banchetul finalului facultatii. Iti multumesc pentru frumusetea ta totala,care poate fura sufletul unui barbat asa puternic. Iti multumesc pentru tot ceea ce ai facut si modul in care mi-ai afectat viata. Esti tot ceea ce si-ar putea dori un barbat si sper din tot sufletul sa intelegi ca raspunsul e in fata ta!

Respira,traieste,ignora parerile oamenilor,distreazate,fi tu insuti si ai incredere in tine,pentru ca esti facuta pentru lucruri mari. Ai puterea si potentialul de a fi o persoana care schimba lumea. dar trebuie sa crezi. Sa nu uiti cine te sustine pana la capat.

Ce bine ca am scris. Ma simt atat de implinit. Multumesc.

Published in: on May 27, 2012 at 3:31 am  Comments (2)  


Chiar daca 31 decembrie ar trebui sa fie o zi ca oricare alta,ea este tratata special. Noaptea dintre ani, revelionul etc. Dar e frumos ca avem o zi care sa simbolizeze un nou inceput. O zi in care sa ne propunem sa fim mai buni,mai muncitori,mai intelegatori. O zi in care ne dorim sa avem mai mult succes in anul in care urmeaza. O noapte pe care o petrecem cu persoane dragi noua intr-o petrecere care nu stii cum incepe si cand se termina.

Ce dracu,ar trebui si noi sa fim mai puternici si sa ne tinem de ceea ce ne propunem. Chiar daca nu sunt facute in noaptea de revelion. Dar mai ales atunci,cand ea ne confera o schimbare,daca nu reala, macar psihologica. Simbolistica trecerii anului si inceperea unui nou ar trebui sa ne motiveze suficient de mult sa ne schimbam vietile in mai bine. Sa avem mai mult succes in cariera,in dragoste,in tot. Sa apreciem momentele fericite,oricat de putine ar fi. Sa stim ca mai trebuie sa facem si un dus rece ocazional,dar ca acela ne va trezi si ne va pune pe calea cea buna in final.

Pentru mine,chiar reprezinta un restart anul 2012. Am avut un an destul de rau din mai multe puncte de vedere,dar stiu ca imi pot reveni anul acesta. Cel mai mult imi doresc sa imi asum doua riscuri anul acesta. O persoana cu care nu vorbisem de mult timp mi-a amintit asta cand aveam nevoie cel mai tare. Daca nu iei anumite riscuri nu ai nici o sansa de a supravietuii societatii. Si stiu ca va fi sansa vietii mele si o voi profita de ocazie orice ar fi!

Mai imi doresc sa scriu mai mult,pentru ca am vazut ca sunt oameni pe care nu i-am intalnit luni intregi si inca ma intreaba daca mai scriu. Si asta chiar ma motiveaza si imi propun sa fiu mai activ aici. Imi propun sa ma implic mai mult in tot ceea ce este in jurul meu si imi propun sa dau mai mult.

Dar cel mai mult imi doresc sa fie toti din jurul meu sanatosi si fericiti. Pentru ca trebuie sa fi inconjurat de oameni fericiti ca sa poti sa fi la randul tau fericit.

Va doresc la toti un 2012 plin de bucurii,plin de impliniri,sa fie cel mai bun an din viata voastra de pana acum.

Cu drag,


Published in: on January 1, 2012 at 5:54 pm  Comments (2)  
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Tu simti tripu’ frate? Esti in stare sa realizezi prin  ce treci acum? E ceva fantastic,e ceva aproape intangibil. Tu il pierzi facand lucruri inutile,precum a te juca ceva fara sens ore intregi,in loc sa porti o conversatie cu oamenii apropiati pe o piesa asa psihedelica.Uite-i cum se joaca fifa ca maniacii. Ei nu stiu ce este de fapt aici cu noi. Fumul este asa de dens incat pare a fi ca o muza,cantand la o harpa intr-un fel de cliseu de care nu te poti satura.  Asculta corzile cum rasuna in ritmuri pe care nici tu nu le poti refuza. Lasa-te purtat de film si fi una cu tot ce te inconjoara. Sorbi din licoarea vietii si fi al ei pe vesnicie.

Hai frate ca-i tarziu. Nu mai ma stresa atat coaie. Bine hai,ce pula mea. Seus 😉

Published in: on November 11, 2011 at 2:30 am  Leave a Comment  

Fum de octombrie…

Auzi? Saxofonul rasuna in aceste casti ca un gang spre alte dimensiuni. Si cuvintele curg ca o apa murdara in norii pe care adesea nu-i observam. Acum intra chitara acustica. Tu esti genul de instrument potrivit pentru toate generatiile. Ce dezordine frumoasa. Doare stiu,dar nu pune la suflet. Durerea te ajuta sa cresti. Suntem aici,fara orizonturi,incercand din rasputeri sa ne pastram umanitatea. Putin reusesc din pacate,iar cei lasati in urma cad in rutina oribila care ne trage in jos spiritul liber. Si toti ne-am dori putin mai multa libertate. Vrem sa inhalam vantul libertatii. Nu ne-am saturat de atata razboi? Nu ne-am saturat de criza,saracie,foame si toate mizerile astea? Nu ne-am saturat de extremisti religiosi, care iau vieti fara drept pentru o existenta incerta si improbabila. Raspunsul? Bate din colt in colt odata cu vantul. Prea multi oameni au murit,opriti macelul si terminati cu mizeria!

Hai,gandeste-te acum o secunda cum e sa dai peste o melodie de care ai uitat dar ti-a placut incredibil de mult atunci cand o ascultai. Mai stii sentimentul? Si stii imediat persoana care se leaga de acea melodie. Mereu e cineva acolo care iti aminteste de o melodie. Si suntem norocosi ca ne avem unul pe altul. Pentru ca asa dam mai mult meaning melodiilor. Ma auzi? Ma visezi? Perfect,pune si o melodie pe fundal si totul va fi mai colorat. Da’ unde-ai disparut? Mi-e dor de tine deja. Si imi pare rau ca ai ajuns asa cand te credeam mai aproape. Cateodata ma simt ca dracu. Vreau sa intru in normalitate,sa imi dau seama ca nu pot face aceasta utopie pe care mi-o doresc. Mi se pare ca esti plecata de o eternitate.

Nu mai e la fel ca inainte. Poti sa ma suni daca mai ai sa-mi spui ceva,dar macar spune pe fata ce e de spus si gata. Si tine-te de cuvant,ar trebui sa-ti respecti prietenii. Dar la urma urmei nu stii daca ceea ce percepi e realitate sau fantezie. Daca totul e doar o masca si noi suntem doar pioni in jocul celor mari. In orice caz,sa vedem cum bate vantul,chiar daca nu conteaza pentru mine. De ce ai pus pistolul la capul lui? De ce e mort acum? Viata abia incepuse si acum am aruncat totul pe fereastra. Nu am vrut sa plangi dar asa a fost sa fie. Mergi fara mine,ca si cum nimic n-ar conta. Daca nu ma intorc pana maine,uita totul. Stiu,si mie mi se ridica parul. Dar trebuie sa fac asta. Trebuie sa plec si sa fac fata adevarului. Nu vreau sa mor dar daca trebuie,o voi face!

Ajutooooooooooor. Scaramoosh apare! Prea infricosator,lasati-ma in viata,nu ma aduceti in fata lui! Da-tii drumul! NU! Doamne dati-mi drumuuuuuuuuuul. Nu am nevoie de propriul diavol. Nu ma poti constrange. Nu ma poti oprii. Nici tu zeule nu ma poti astampara. Nici tu demon intunecat! Nimic nu prea conteaza dar la urma urmei macar suntem fericiti. Oricine poate vedea ca lucrurile vor fi bine pana la urma.


Published in: on October 23, 2011 at 3:43 am  Comments (4)  

Autumn Winds…

Cand tot corpul iti spune lasa iubirea libera atunci trebuie sa asculti. Chiar daca stii ca risti sa doara. Durerea e parca prea placuta pentru situatia in care te afli. De data asta nu,inima mi-a spus ca viata merita. Acesti oameni incredibili mi-au transmis ca indiferent de durete,speranta va supravietui. Vei fi fericita chiar daca nu sunt eu acela care te face fericit. Asa cum fanfara canta in mijlocul zilei ca mintea mea i-a spus inimii sa creasca iubirea si ca voi gasi pe cineva ca tine chiar daca inca sper sa fie ceva intre noi. Am auzit ca esti mai fericita acum. Si imi pare rau ca nu am putut fi eu cel care ti-a adus fericirea. Imi pare rau ca am aparut asa din senin la momentul neoportun. Parca tot timpul apar in momentul nepotrivit. Din pacate pentru mine nu s-a terminat. Iti doresc tot ce e bine in lumea asta si sper sa nu ma uiti dar partea trista e ca nu simti la fel. Vreau sa-ti arat ca pot mai mult decat crezi. Vreau sa-ti demonstrez ca aceasta atmosfera nu e doar de vara trecatoare. Si tu stiu ca esti constienta de asta. Si chiar daca prietena ta ar fi mai potrivita,tu parca esti ceea ce imi doresc. Intr-o zi vom fi ingropati in rutina si ne va parea rau pentru aceste momente. Sufletul meu este aici si vrea sa fie impartit cu tine. Pur si simplu am fost trimis in bratele tale. Nu am vrut asta. Chiar ma simteam bine uitat de iubire si de atasament. Dar stii cum e,mereu cand esti in momentul tau perfect,trebuie ceva sa te dezechilibreze. Sper sa fim macar ca inainte si nu sa fie ciudat intre noi. It happend and I’m glad it did. I will hold on to hope until the whole world hits me with a humongous punch straight to the face. FUCK FUCK FUCK is what I’m thinking now. Why did I force this shit for no reason. At least I can hope for us to feel the same thing. We’re upside down right now.  You miss him too much,I’m not over her. I need freedom now and you need the same thing. Fun laughter simple things. I can give you this. I owe it to both of us. Can i lie next to you and give you my heart? Maybe. But it’s a thing for the future…

I’m clean and this is all me. I don’t have anything more or less. This is all me and this is what I feel for you. Rage takes over sometimes but you’d never be in the way of my anger. You desire my attention but deny my affections. Where was my fault in loving you with my whole heart? Maybe I fucked it up,maybe you don’t give chances,maybe it’s just this summer faze I have to go through. But this is bullshit in my eyes. Don’t leave me alone with the truth. Hold me close and be mine as I am yours.

What if I told you tomorrow that you’d never see me again? I’m leaving and I didn’t tell any of you. I’ll probably never return. Tomorrow will be the last night any of you can stop me. And I mean it right now. This is no post like the others. I’m leaving and if you want me to stay you’ll have to stop me. I will still leave but maybe I’ll return if I feel it’s worth it. I really want to stay and never come back. I’ve been hurt to many times in this shitty country to care anymore. But maybe there’s a glimmer of hope.

This is the last post I’ll be writing if I leave. I’m sorry mom,dad for this. I’m sorry everyone if I leave you. I hope you give me a reason to stay but I highly doubt it. What I think I mean is: give me a reason not to leave forever,because if I do,I swear nobody will hear of me again.

I love you all. I wish hope will overcome. PROVE THAT TO ME!

Don’t take this lightly…

Published in: on September 9, 2011 at 3:58 am  Leave a Comment  

Someone Like You…

E pacat ca citatul ” You don’t know what you’ve got untill it’s gone” e adevarat. E pacat ca timpul zboara asa repede si ca ieri parca a fost cel mai frumos moment al vietii noastre. Mi-e dor de tine si de zambetul tau inegalabil. Imi doresc sa ai parte de cele mai frumoase experiente posibile dar tot imi va fi greu fara tine alaturi. Pentru ca stiu, oricat de aproape ai fi de mine,tot prea departe esti de locul unde mi-as dori sa fi. Cateodata doare prea tare asa ca incerc sa imi alung gandurile pe care ti le port. Cateodata dureaza dragostea,dar in general e prea multa durere. Si partea proasta e ca m-am trezit prea tarziu si ca ai disparut de prea mult timp. Imi pare rau ca acum iti spun,dar tu pentru mine ai fost mai mult decat o simpla fata. Ai fost lumina si intunericul. Ai fost simplul pe care mi l-am dorit dintotdeauna. Si sunt convins ca nici nu vei stii cine esti,dar sunt impacat cu acest gand. Sunt fericit ca am avut ocazia sa te cunosc,sa te invat una doua lucruri,sa iti fiu alaturi in momente grele si fericite. Poate voi gasi pe cineva asemanator dar tot nu se va putea compara cu tine, cu aura pe care o emani. Regretele acestea se vor transforma in memorii. Chiar daca nu ar trebui sa am regrete,pentru ca toate aceste lucruri ma fac sa fiu ceea ce sunt in acest moment,nu pot sa nu imi pun intrebarea: Ce-ar fi fost daca? Pot spera doar ca nu ma vei uita si ca vei purta in inima numele meu,macar intr-o infima camera a sufletului tau mare. Nu stiu daca el te face fericit,nu stiu daca ar fi fost mai bine altfel,dar ce stiu este ca mi-as fi dorit macar sa fi incercat. Noptile nedormite sunt tot din cauza ta…nu e corect din partea mea sa dau vina pe tine,dar tu ai intrat si ti-ai plantat steguletul in universul meu. Apoi ai disparut si eu am ramas pierdut in intrebari.

Dar in viitor ne asteapta multe surprize. Si dupa cum spuneam,pentru ce sa traim daca stim ce ni se va intampla asa-i? Te voi tine minte asa cum esti oriunde ne va duce aceasta viata. Aceasta situatie dulce amaruie este doar momentana. Si sper ca peste ani sa ne intalnim si sa avem parte de o discutie minunata ca intotdeauna si sa ne bucuram de prezenta unui altuia. Iti doresc toate cele bune si imi iau un ramas bun sincer de la tot ce ne leaga. La revedere draga mea…

Published in: on August 26, 2011 at 4:03 am  Comments (4)  


Will I be able to walk beside you 10 years from now? Will I be able to hold your hand and say I love you the same way I do it now? Will you still mean as much to me as you mean now? Will you change your stupid ambitions and rise to your true potential? Who knows? Are you the face in the misty light? Do I need glasses to see what you really are? Or have I always known you and how this would end up? This summer night will never be forgotten. Even if you probably won’t recall it. I know I saw you,although the coldness in your heart was hard for me to swallow. Or do you love the wild nature that flourishes in my heart? Do you love the fact that I can take you out of this concrete world and set your soul free? But you’d never tell me would you? Listen tot he chorus sing and follow your heart. I don’t care if it’s a cliche or not. The flow is calling you. The music is all around your heart. Let yourself go. Stop thinking and start feeling. Listen to the guy playing the piano as if it was it’s only love. Now hear the flute as it slowly starts to add to the notes of the piano. Easy enough the violins and drums join in to make a wonderful sound that grows and enhances natures powers. Listen to the beat and let it guide your heart to it’s true value. The infinite green is right there in front of you. The promises I made will forever be kept. I may have not always been the man I should have, but when the time came you know I was always by your side. I was always there when you needed me. I had patience, I had strength I had love, all of them for you. Maybe this is in vain, but hopefully you understand that you’re the only one who matters. It’s time for my adventure. It’s time for the real processes of manhood. It’s time to face the fears that you could only push back and hide. You know I carry the love of ancient times withing me. You know you carry it as well. You know there can be only one outcome. Rather more,that is the true outcome. The one you feel,as well as I do, that is right. It must prevail! For happiness. You may not believe in such a thing,but it is the one thing that binds us. The happiness of a laugh, of a hug,of an amazing song.There may not be anymore wizards in this world but I’m sure there is still magic left in all of us. The love we feel for our soul mates,for the ones who gave us life, for the experience we share in life is magical. As long as love exists there will still be magic out there. And if you don’t believe this, you will never see magic with your own eyes again. You’re senses will dull and everything will turn into a never ending routine of on and off. It will be so unsatisfying that you will search for magic again,but who knows how sunken in darkness you already are. Free your mind and spirit. Roam this earth accepting love and passion.

This is my honest truth. Listen to it and respect it!

Published in: on August 14, 2011 at 4:07 am  Comments (1)