Happy Birthday Blog…

So it’s been a year since i’ve started this blog and I feel it’s been one of my best choices in life…So many feelings and dreams are stuck in these web pages…I’ve been through a lot since last year…Many many things that I mentioned here and that maybe I’d have forgotten if i hadn’t placed them in my little spot…Not much I can say now…just that I’m happy some people take some minutes of their time and read these pages that I write from the depth of my soul…and I hope they enjoy it…if not I’m sorry but this is me and this is my style… What I really want is to write more in the following year…I hope I’m able to, but inspiration comes rarely nowadays…In any case I hope some people were inspired by my posts…I hope I didn’t waste your time to much…I hope you caught a small insight in my life,although I never say anything directly about it…Reading between the lines is what my blog is all about…So I just want to say Thank You to all my faithfull readers and even to those who just pass by…Happy Birthday Dreamer0507…May next year be even better…

Published in: on June 26, 2008 at 3:31 pm  Comments (3)  


I feel as though time has come to a stand-still…I don’t know what exactly that means…but somehow I feel as though the universe has just stopped…although the universe is constantly growing and evolving…Actually to be more precise…I feel as though I have come to a stand-still…I can’t move forward…I’m stuck in a place where…strangely enough…I like to be in. I don’t understand why it’s so hard to let go of the past…I always tell people not to hang on to their past so much because they can’t move ahead anymore…well I guess this is another case where I don’ listen to my own advice…The stars are so beautiful…I wonder if they see us?I wonder if they look at us and think about us tiny creatures with an insignificant existance?I somewhat doubt it…for they never look back and just head streight forward towards their future…Summer just started…It was always me season…It was always the most beautiful of the 4 seasons…I’m turning one year older…but I can’t even feel it comming…I wish to leave this place and forget about it for some time…but I just don’t know where to go…I wish for that special summer someone that always appears when you least expect it…but there’s no one in sight…God I feel so confused…I can’t even fixate myself on a certain topic to write about…I’d love to write about how underapreciated some people are even thought they deserve so much more…I’d love to write about a person I met through wordpress and I’d love it if my readers would take a minute of their time and check out her blog http://pseudonymblog.wordpress.com/ cause she’s an amazing woman…I’d love to write about my decisions in life and how they’ve influenced me…I’d love to write about my dreams…but even I think they’re childish…still I wish they would just come true…But getting back to my state of mind right now…I feel as though my mind cannot move forward…there’s some invisible barrier that’s blocking my way and I have no way to overcome it…The sad part is that there’s no one here that understands this and everyone thinks I’m just stupid and unrealistic…and I can’t be strong anymore…even mountains crumble sometimes…So I’d like to ask for some advice…Cause I have no idea how to go on…For the first time in so long I feel the need to talk to someone…I’ve never felt this way and it frustrates me…I wish someone would just open a door for me because I feel so cornered and angry and sad and so many other feelings I can’t put into words…I can’t go on helping people if I can’t help myself…I’m in a moment in my life where I need to make so many choices and I don’t know what to choose…So please…just this once…Give me a hand…cause I’m really feeling as though I’m losing it…and I can’t afford that feeling…not now anyway…

Published in: on June 16, 2008 at 10:26 pm  Comments (2)  


Am tot evitat sa scriu post-ul acesta dar se pare ca nu mai pot fugii de el…Cum au trecut 4 ani nu stiu nici eu si imi e greu sa cred ca se termina o perioada frumoasa…Trist…foarte trist…trebuie sa privim realitatea in fata si sa ne dam seama ca totul se termina…si ce frumos a fost…nici nu stiu cum as putea sa cuprind totul in cuvinte…poate par prea sentimental, dar ce sa fac daca a fost asa frumos…As oprii timpul pentru a mai fi impreuna cu totii macar cateva clipe in plus…dar nu imi sta in putere asa ca va mai las in amintire cateva cuvinte,ganduri,sentimente…Am fost boboci…bobocii Colegiului National “Coriolan Brediceanu” la bal…domnii elevi si domnisoarele eleve in marele U de la mate…puisori si copilasi in laboratorul de info…si asa mai departe…Ce duri pareau profii atunci…vroiau sa se impuna dar pana la urma am supravietuit…am avut si pe Miss Brediceanu 2004 in clasa…si o multime de alte amintiri…In clasa a 10a am fost luati la 11 metrii de toti…nu mai eram boboci…si nici nu aveam examene importante asa ca ce s-au gandit mai marii nostrii?hai sa-i terorizam peste tot…eh nu le-a prea reusit dar apreciem gestul…sau nu…aveam si orele de relax…mai precis antreprenoriala unde ba eram, ba nu eram…si cand eram…mai bine nu eram…In clasa a 11a a inceput distractia…si o clasa ca noi chiar nu a avut multa lume… Sa nu uitam ca am invitat toata clasa la majoratele noastre chiar daca nu eram in relatii extraordinare ca si colectiv intreg…dar a fost un gest frumos…si cum sa uitam majoratele…cum veneam rupti de oboseala la ore tarzii acasa…ce mai conta restul lumii cand ne aveam pe noi?…si sa fim sinceri…cu alte grupuri nu ne simtim la fel de bine ca si intre noi…si veni si clasa a 12a…ce planuri ne-am facut…va fi an greu ne ziceam…vom avea mult de tras…si am tras…dar ne-am si distrat pe masura…si ne-am unit din ce in ce mai mult…cireasa de pe tort fiind banchetul mic unde un val de lacrimi a curpins colectivul clasei a 12a A si toti ne-am simtit ca o mare familie…si cate chestii ar mai fi de spus…jocurile zilnice de carti nu se pot uita niciodata…si mai ales pachetele rupte la info si la mate…dar…poate au facut amintiri frumoase…nu ne suparam daca eram mai putine pachete rupte dar na…asa a fost sa fie…si cum sa uitam excursiile noastre aventuroase la munte…in tabara de refugiati Secu…sau la Straja, muntele distrugator de Milka…nu putem uita nici marea unde ne-am facut de cap si ne-am simtit perfect…sau mai stiti excursia cu bicicletele…ok ne-am pierdut la inceput dar am revenit pe drumul cel bun in final…si va veni si festivitatea de absolvire unde vom purta clasicele robe…si va veni si banchetul…dar mai sunt lucruri de spus…avem si atatea amintiri cu “dragii” nostrii profesori…La ora de mate a dragului diriginte Orbulescu Petru “dadeam cu banul” sa luam 10 sau 2…ma rog de obicei era 2 dar ce-i liceu fara 2 la mate?…Profa de romana Dragomir Daniela zbiera pe noi ca nu invatam nimic…si cam asa statea treaba cu unii din ultimul rand…pana in clasa a 12a cand s-a prins ca oricum nu invatam…Herr Schlupp avea o placere deosebita in a scoate 2 elevi la tabla…poate va aduceti aminte si cine…Doamna Valcu…profa de chimie de profesie…deci aaaaa…nu prea ii ajungeau ei orele dar se chinuia…Profa de bio alias Maria Berariu ne-a tinut din scurt in primii ani…dar sa compensat in clasa a 12a indeajuns…Mister Bombescu si-a facut in totalitate datoria ca profesor de istorie in clasa a 12a, cand am vizionat cele mai interesante filme si am vazut cele mai frumoase cimitire…Doctorul Sofronie Muresan ne-a placut tot timpul…erau oare revistele de vina sau chiar ii placea ca “stiam” atat de multe la geografie?…Pe Jivulescu l-am apreciat intotdeauna la sport si il apreciem si mai mult pentru ca a venit cu noi la munte…nu i-am facut noi prea multe probleme…Teacher Teodorescu Maria a tinut la materia ei in 4 ani si cred ca avem pentru ce sa-i multumim ca a mai intrat ceva engleza in noi…Frau Mia a fost mereu alaturi de noi si ne ajuta cand aveam probleme…ba ne mai si scotea din scoala din cand in cand dar asta e confidential…Doamna Barboni ba facea ba nu facea…oricum noi de la germana profitam de orele libere a celor de la franceza si plecam si noi…Pe Doamna Manga nu o vom uita chiar daca a fost alaturi doar in clasa a 9a…Si nici pe Doamna Bogoevic chiar daca nu am prea vazut-o…Stimatul Domn Lache si Domnisoara Adelina Barbu ne-au predat muzica la greu…cand eram la ora evident…Au fost si tentative de desen cu Doamna Teodora…dar au ramas doar tentative…TIC si Info am facut cu cel care vrea dar nu poate(Ianculescu Doru-Distrugatorul De Carti) si cu cel care poate dar nu vrea (Dumitru Florin – Pescar Inrait si Lunecator in Baie de meserie)…Materii ilogice cum ar fi Logica, Psihologia si Filosofie…si da chiar 3 ani de Istorie am facut cu doamna Lazar unde nu vom uita nici lucrarile interminabile, nici proiectele…Am facut si Antreprenoriala si Economie cu un anumit Domn Pacurar pe care l-am terorizat de neimaginat…chiar la putinele ore la care am fost…Din greseala am avut si romana optional…unde din noroc am avut-o ca profesoara pe Domnisoara Mihaela Andrei care ne-a facut ziua putin mai luminata(cel putin baietilor)…si cam astea au fost materiile noastre, de care ne vom despartii…Si noi…copii clasei a 12a A…Lera Diana, Dalban Adelina, Tanase Virgil, Popescu Alexandru, Cotarta Liviu, Blaj Bogdan, Burlacu Oana, Montoi Mihaela, Nicolae Madalina, Subtire Roxana, Jusca Patricia, Becheru Flavia, Bontea Adela, Campean Emanuel, Domotor Mihai, Garbea Claudiu, Neagoe Vlad, Neagoe Razvan, Borlovan Andrada, Ladari Andreea, Albu Roxana, Mustata Adela, Ciorogariu Florentina, Iovescu Dana, Stiopoane Raisa, Stoia Ioana…Noi terminam cu brio Colegiul National “Coriolan Brediceanu” si ne vom aminti mereu ce frumoasa a fost perioada asta a vietii noastre…si ca sa ma exprim si eu acum…nu mi-as fi dorit alt colectiv pentru nimic in lume si ma bucur ca am avut ocazia si onoarea de a fi colegul vostru…Va Iubesc si va doresc toate cele bune, o viata plina de impliniri si fericire…si nu uitati niciodata ca vom fi mereu prieteni…

Published in: on June 10, 2008 at 2:42 pm  Comments (8)  

I Long For…

Sometimes I don’t even recognize myself…I have no idea how I was able to write some of my previous posts…Must have been some magical moments…pure inspiration, pure passion, pure belief…I don’t know what happend to my muze…Where’s my music? Where are my notes? Where do I have to look to find my passion? I can’t stand it anymore…I want to write something as beautiful as a rainbow after the poaring rain…I feel the need to write about something meaningful and powerful…I wanna write about a girl…I wanna write about two actualy…but I have nothing to say about them…I wanna write about summer…I wanna write about lost nights on the riverbank…So many things I’d love to write about…I hope something will inspire me…i miss my imagination…

Published in: on June 4, 2008 at 7:56 pm  Comments (3)